Supported Employment
In Flight supports all aspects of independence for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), including financial independence. Evidently, 28% of the I/DD population is currently living in poverty, with a median salary of $28,800 in New York State.
Supported Employment or SEMP is the next step of our ISAIL Program. Additionally, it is the next step towards financial independence and is designed for adults with I/DD seeking employment. Individuals work with a job coach to identify areas of vocational interest, establish a plan to obtain and maintain employment based on their interests, and have support for on-the-job tasks in the initial stages of employment.
The goal of Supportive Employment services is to promote independence in the competitive community workspace, through support and skill-building. Soon, as confidence and comfort levels increase, job coaches take more of a "backseat" role.
SEMP provides a bridge of inclusion by helping businesses within the community to understand best practices in working with people with I/DD and helping those we support and businesses to build long-lasting relationships.
Supporting SEMP
Learn more about the barriers people with intellectual and developmental disabilities face in employment and how you can help.
If you are an employer interested in being a partner of In Flight's Supported Employment program, contact us today!
Improve your corporations EmployAbility!