Jill Rodriquez – Highlight and Spotlight
Jill Rodriquez, Director of Development & External Affairs, has been an amazing assist in the growth of In Flight. From fundraising initiatives to improve our efforts to building meaningful relationships in our community, Jill Rodriquez has made amazing strives towards fulfilling In Flight’s mission.
Why did you join In Flight?
After relocating back to New York, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to continue in the nonprofit world or return to corporate Marketing. Following a short stint working for the Ulster County SPCA, I came across an Indeed advertisement that In Flight was looking for a Director of Development and External Affairs. After my first interview and finding that the position would entail growing a Development Department from scratch, I was interested in exploring a new sector of the nonprofit world. Additionally, having the challenge of growing a department from nothing compared to working in an established Development Department.
What do you do at In Flight?
As the Director of Development, I am responsible for the coordination of all fundraising events and marketing efforts. I bring in unrestricted revenue to the organization, spread the word of our mission, and share our good work to the community.
What is a day like for you in your position?
Development and marketing has many different pieces. We are never doing the same thing on a day-to-day basis. Some days are spent researching potential corporate sponsors and donors, creating mailings to reach them, making phone calls to connect with them, and sending thank you letters when they donate. Other days, I could be writing grants or press releases, tracking analytics of marketing efforts, or recording a podcast. You can also find me attending networking events and tabling to advertise our services. Additionally, our department works closely with others to discuss ideas and growth they would like to see in their programs. These ideas are then incorporated into our fundraising plan.
How did you get into this field?
I always say my job chose me. I started my career in corporate marking for Simon Property Group, one of the worlds largest mall retailers. Looking for something more, I worked for Martin County in Florida as their events manager. Unfortunately, the position was eliminated during a restructure of the Parks and Recreation Department. Not sure what to do next, I took a temporary job at CASTLE, a nonprofit organization for the prevention of child abuse and neglect, to plan their annual gala. After watching me work on the gala and getting to know me, CASTLE’s Executive Director had asked me if I had ever considered a career in nonprofit development and fundraising as she thought I had a natural talent for the job. After testing me in different tasks, she offered me a full-time position and mentored me in the field until CASTLE closed its doors.
What is your favorite part of your job?
My favorite part of my job is the impact that I can make. Working in Development allows me to work hands on with our folks and share their stories with the world. Also, my job allows me to connect with new people daily and be creative and fun!
How has In Flight helped you towards your professional goals?
Taking this position at In Flight has helped me in many ways! The challenge of building the department and creating something from nothing has challenged me to improve on my skills. In Flight also supported me in a year long journey, filled with classes and studying to obtain my CFRE Certification, only held by 7,700 professionals around the world.
Learn how In Flight, Inc. can empower you while you empower people with intellectual and developmental disabilities like Jill Rodriquez!