In Flight Events
Mark your calendars for our annual Cornhole for a Cause in September at Dutchman's Landing in Catskill. This beloved event not only promises a day of fun but also directly benefits In Flight's programs and foster community inclusion. Want to learn more about In Flight? Join us for one of our Empower Hour Webinars or Empower After Hours. These free, one-hour informational events offer the community a chance to learn about our mission and discover ways to get involved.
In addition to hosting our own events, we proudly participate in community events like the Hudson Flag Day Parade and ThinkDIFFERENTLY Fitness & Field Day, reinforcing our commitment to inclusion and community engagement.
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Latest Past Events
4th Annual ThinkDIFFERENTLY Fitness & Field Day
Bowdoin Park 85 Sheafe Rd, Wappingers Falls4th Annual ThinkDIFFERENTLY Fitness & Field Day - Join Us! Get ready for some adaptive, inclusive, sensory-friendly fun at the 4th Annual ThinkDIFFERENTLY Fitness and Field Day, hosted by Dutchess…
Make a House a Home
Residential Programs NYMake a House a Home for the residents at In Flight's programs! Join us for "Make a House a Home," a volunteer day initiative by In Flight, Inc. This event…
In Flight’s Hudson Valley Gives
OnlineIn Flight's Hudson Valley Gives What is it? Hudson Valley Gives is a 24-hour event that unites HUNDREDS of charities across 7 counties. Created by the Community Foundation of Orange…