Dustin (right) and Harry (left) went to Yankee Stadium on October 14th to see the New York Yankee's play against Cleveland Guardians.

“Let’s Go Yankee’s” By Dustin Partridge

My favorite baseball team is the New York Yankee’s and my favorite player is Aaron Judge. I am hoping that Judge breaks the Home Run record held by Rodger Maris at 61 home runs. If Judge breaks the record he will make history. If the Yankee’s win tonight on Tuesday, September 27, 2022 the Yankee’s will win the American League East and they will have home field advantage for the playoffs.

P.S. The Yankee’s are going to win the world series this year.

Dustin (right) and Harry (left) went to Yankee Stadium on October 14th to see the New York Yankee's play against Cleveland Guardians.
Dustin proudly wearing all of his favorite baseball teams swag getting ready to head down to the stadium.

Dustin (right) and Harry (left) went to Yankee Stadium on October 14th to see the their favorite baseball team play against Cleveland Guardians.

Dustin proudly wearing all of his favorite baseball teams swag getting ready to head down to the stadium.

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